Saturday, October 29, 2011

Picture English alphabet patterns

As I mentioned in my previous post I worked on a interesting project which had caught  me up for 2 weeks.
Lately I was keen on paper pieced blocks.
Paper foundation piecing is very popular method for beginners quilter, because it is easy to make proper lines and pieces. The sewing is easy and there are many clips in YouTube you can see how it is made. Combining different blocks you can make a whole top quilt.
I like children very much and hope they learn more quick playing.That's why  I made this English picture alphabet with paper piecing block patterns.
It is fully designed by me and I am proud to share with you.

I have designed one picture for every letter of the alphabet.
A - apple, B - boy, C - cat, D - dog, E - elephant, F - fish, G - girl, H - house, I - ice cream, J - jar, K - kite, L - lemon, M - moon, N - note, O - owl, P - pumpkin, Q - queen, R - radio, S - sun, T - tree, U - umbrella, V - vase, W - watermelon, X - X-ray, Y - yacht, Z - zebra crossing.

 Every block is numbered and ready for sewing. 

Do you like only the letters?

 The quilt is great for learning together with kids alphabet and different words beginning with relevant letter. You can make as baby quilt or wall hanging.
Happy sewing and playing!


  1. Поздравления, страхотен проект! Дизайна на такъв куилт е страшно труден, тъй че те поздравявам за труда и желанието:) А техниката наистина е много хубава, и аз я обожавам. Продължавай смело напред!:)

  2. oh beautiful!

    If only my children were little again... sigh...

  3. Ths is so nice! I like the fish bone one!

    1. Thank you - I thought what to make for "X" and this is X-ray.
