I had to make 4 of them by order (the lady from last year wanted to have some).
I have many ideas for the front side, but the back should be made faster.
So I cut 4 different fabrics bigger than pattern (around 1 inch seam allowances) and lay them right side up.
Then made 3 cuts.
And jumble the pieces .
If the fabrics are printed you will have stockings "one direction" only.
I have used woven fabric so could turn one of the stocking.
Stitch the pieces together.
Add batting and quilted. Trim to the pattern size.
For the fronts I have made the lights
and used even small bells. 
I like too much this one with crazy patchwork so made some more stockings.
This one with back made from Christmas table topper.
The most beautiful by my opinion is this one
with back for which I used many machine stitches and a golden thread.
I had to made a stitch bible :)
Merry Christmas to all of you!