Friday, August 23, 2019

Drawstring bag tutorial

After some months without working and sewing I began doing small activities.
The summer almost gone so I have collected and dried much herbs. I need useful drawstring bag to store them.
I stitched many bags . On each one I have put a label with written letters.
Here is one of them.

Do you like it? Do you need a tutorial? It was so easy to make.
The seam allowances are quarter inch.

1. Cut the following rectangles:

 The size depends on how big bag you need.
I have put them on my cutting mat for easy orientation. (one square is one inch)
I have chosen to make the front panel from canvas. It is heavy cotton so adding a strip on the top edge to put inside drawstrings was a good idea.

2. Preparing the hook.
Fold in half lengthwise and iron the piece.  Then open and fold again to the inside and stitch.

3. Stitch the strip on the front panel right side together. Iron well seam allowances towards upper edge.

4. Place the front and back panels right sides together and stitch both sides and bottom as shown.  Begin and finish the stitch 2 inches from the top end.

5.  Fold the top corner and stitch to the side seam as shown.

Repeat with the other three.

6. Making the tunnel for the strings.
Fold twice the upper edge and stitch. When reach the middle insert the hook.
I usually put a pin as a mark.

This is the finished top edge.

Repeat with the front side.

7. Make a secure stitch about half inch on the side seams both front and back pieces together.

I forgot to put a label at the beginning so stitch at this step. It was not so easy :)
So stitch it at the step 1.

8.Thread the drawstrings.
Thread the first as usual - from the right side to the left in the back tunnel and then in the front tunnel from left to right. Make a knot.

The second drawstring goes in opposite way. From the left side in the back tunnel and from right to left in the front tunnel. Make a knot.

9. The bag is finished.

So easy to make.